Health Security
At Contech, we understand the importance of health security and disease surveillance in protecting public health. Our team of experts is dedicated to ensure the early detection and response to diseases outbreaks and other public health emergencies. We utilize cutting-edge technology and innovative methods to gather and analyze health data, providing real-time surveillance and monitoring of diseases. Our goal is to reduce the impact of infectious diseases on communities and to prevent their spread. We are committed to working with local, national, and international partners to ensure the health security and well-being of all communities.
Public Health Work With Public Health England On International Health Regulations And Integrated Disease Surveillance And Response In Pakistan
Contech International has been supporting Public Health England on IHR compliance and IDSR in Pakistan since 2015, initially for Punjab and federal level, but later extended to Federal, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Sindh provinces.... read more
Midterm Evaluation of Pneumonia and Diarrhoea Project
Contech was awarded a midterm evaluation of UNICEF's Pneumonia and Diarrhoea Project to independently evaluate its achievements and weaknesses. This evaluation aimed to investigate components of the project that were performing op... read more
Implementation of post nationwide measles rubella campaign coverage survey in Pakistan
The survey was aimed to a) estimate Measles Rubella coverage achieved through campaign among children between 9 months to less than 15 years at the time of the campaign in each division, province and nationally; and b) estimate OP... read more